hypermedia joyce studies

Welcome to the first issue of the new series (volume 3) of HJS.

As with the previous issues of HJS, this one seeks to bring together work from across the spectrum of Joycean criticism, while at the same time maintaining a focus on the increased role played by media technologies in Joyce scholarship.  Essays in this volume touch upon a diverse range of subjects from Joycean Hypertext (
Darren Tofts) to Codework (McKenzie Wark), Intertextuality (Donald F. Theall), Meteorology (Stephen Donovan), Joyce's exile (Petr Skrabanek) and Symptomatolgies (Louis Armand).

Beginning with this issue the publication schedule will be bi-annual, with a rolling site content for each issue defined by a 6-monthly cut-off. This would mean two issues to appear during each year, in June and in December. Contributions are welcome on all Joyce-related topics. Please address queries, abstracts or proposals to the
editors. Suggestions regarding themed issues or sections of the journal are also welcome.

An attempt has been made to restore the resource database, much of which dates from 1995. At present there are entries for
Audio, Video and Hypermedia. It is the nature of such things that projects evolve or become defunct, that distributors cease operating, or that new productions appear. Any comments/suggestions regarding corrections or additions would therefore again be very welcome.

One addition to the organisation of the journal is a section devoted to Joycean
Genetics. This section is currently under development, but it is hoped that it will eventually serve as a compliment to other sites devoted to Genetics such as Genetic Joyce Studies. As Genetics is one of the fields of Joyce scholarship which has been most heavily engaged with hypermedia, and in which Joycean hypertext received some of its earliest theoretical elaborations, it is only approriate that HJS develop in this direction.

Over the last decade, hypermedia has received increasing attention within the field of Joyce studies. Hypertext projects, and conference panels devoted to hypertext, proliferate. It is one of the objectives of HJS to communicate to the broader community of Joyce scholars the way in which the discourse on Joycean hypertext and hypermedia has emerged and evolved, and to provide a sense of what has come to be "at stake." In this context it is worth noting that work is currently underway to produce an anthology of essays devoted to this subject--a project initiated by Mark Nunes. Following from the work of Donald Theall and Darren Tofts, the publication of this volume will be a milestone in the evolving discourse on Joyce and media technology. At the same time, the serial publication of the
Finnegans Wake Notebooks at Buffalo (eds. Vincent Deane, Daniel Ferrer and Geert Lernout) gives hope of the near future release of a companion hypertext version--perhaps the most elaborate and detailed application of hypertext to Joyce so far envisioned (something which Daniel Ferrer anticipated as long ago as the 1995 conference at Brown University).

Lastly, this issue of HJS includes one article on Giacomo Joyce (by Kevin Nolan). Interest in what is arguably Joyce's most fugitive of texts has increased recently, and the upcoming Joyce Symposium in Trieste will no doubt serve to heighten this. The essay appearing here anticipates the publication of
Giacomo Joyce: Envoys of the Other (eds. L. Armand & Clare Wallace), in which it also figures along with contributions by Fritz Senn, Vicki Mahaffey, Murray McArthur, Michel Delville, Joseph Valente, Clare Wallace, John McCourt, Sheldon Brivic, M.E. Roughley, Renzo Crivelli, Richard Brown and Louis Armand. This volume will be launched in Trieste, where Fritz Senn will also be presenting a proposal for a Giacomo Joyce hypertext.

For those of you who will be attending the Joyce Symposium in Trieste, I look forward to meeting you there.

Regards to you all,
Louis Armand

June, 2002

HJS editorial