volume 4, issue 2, 2003-4
APPENDIX: A Genealogy of Editions of Ulysses

This genealogy is by no means an exhaustive list of each edition of Ulysses, nor is it meant to be. The editions represented here are only those that print the text in its entirety, those that have been significant in the textual study of Ulysses, or those that differ drastically from other editions. (For example, although the 1934 Random House uses the 1929-pirated edition as its copy-text, it is listed because of its historical and textual significance.)
An asterisk (*) denotes an edition that introduces new variants.

I. Initial Texts

1. *First Edition: Shakespeare & Co.
  February 1922: Shakespeare & Co. (Sylvia Beach). 732 pp. Printed in Dijon. Subsequent impressions: 2nd and 3rd impressions (Oct. 1922 and Jan. 1923) for Egoist Press (John Rodker) which included eight additional pages of "Errata," listing more than 200 typographical errors of the first printing; 4th Jan. 1924; 5th Sept. 1924; 6th Aug. 1925; 7th Oct. 1925 in book itself and Dec. 1925 in later notices.

2. *Second Edition: Shakespeare & Co.
May 1926: 735 pp. Type was reset and the "Errata" listings of the previous edition were now incorporated into the text. Subsequent impressions: 2nd May 1927; 3rd Nov. 1928; 4th May 1930. Many of the errors of this edition (as well as the later printings of the Shakespeare & Co. edition) that had escaped the "Errata" were passed on to later editions.

3. *First American edition (unauthorised)
1929. 732 pp. Modelled after the second Shakespeare & Co. edition (1927 impression), this edition pirated by Samuel Roth in New York. Includes numerous misprints and typographical errors--perhaps "thousands of corruptions," (Dalton 101)--such as removing the preposition "to" from p. 4, lines l.7-8 so it misleadingly reads Mulligan "went over the parapet laughing to himself" rather than "over to the parapet" (Ibid). Roth's edition was a type facsimile and obviously used different plates than the 9th Shakespeare & Co., but his pagination remained the same (Slocum 29).

4. *Odyssey Press Edition
December 1932: Odyssey Press, Hamburg, Paris, Bologna. 792 pp. 2 vols. HB, single vol. PB, and a 2 vol. limited edition. (Vol. 1, pp. 1-400; Vol. 2, pp. 401-792). Subsequent impressions: 2nd Oct. 1933, 3rd Aug. 1935, 4th Apr. 1939. The 2 vol. limited edition was printed in HB in 1936 and reprinted in trade PB in 1937. Stuart Gilbert revised the first Odyssey Press edition at Joyce's request for subsequent printings and corrected many of its typographical errors (Slocum 30). The Odyssey Press printers themselves considerably revised their 1936 limited edition in order to produce a more definitive text before releasing it into trade paperback in 1937 (Dalton 107). Prior to 1984, the Hamburg edition (of 1937?) was considered the most accurate and authoritative text of Ulysses; unfortunately, however, the text has been out of print since 1939 and the plates were destroyed during World War II (Staley 374). Pagination differs from that of Shakespeare & Co. edition.

5. *First Random House Edition (First Authorised American edition)
January 1934: Random House (Bennett Cerf), New York. 774 pp. Ten minutes after Judge Woolsey handed down his decision to allow Ulysses to be published in the US, Bennett Cerf is said to have had his printers at work (Dalton 100-1). Unfortunately, Cerf's printers in their haste used the 1929 pirated edition as copy-text, duplicating its errors and creating some of their own as well. Some errors were corrected in later printings and editions. 10 subsequent impressions, running until 1960.

6. The Limited Editions Club (First Illustrated edition)
October 1935: The Limited Editions Club, New York. 370 pp. Printed in double columns throughout. Introduced by Stuart Gilbert. The six etchings by Henri Matisse depict Episodes 4 ("Calypso"), 7 ("Aeolus"), 12 ("Cyclops"), 13 ("Nausicaa"), 15 ("Circe"), and 17 ("Ithaca"). Text is based on second printing of the Odyssey Press edition.

7. *Bodley Head (First British edition)
October 1936: Bodley Head (John Lane), London. 768 pp. Text is based on the second impression by the Odyssey Press but introduces numerous typographical errors (Slocum & Cahoon [34] declare "at least two dozen") which had been noted by the publisher but not corrected in later printings. Subsequent impressions: trade edition in Sept. 1937 (this is the only edition, other than the first Shakespeare & Co. edition, to be incorporated into Gabler's continuous manuscript text because of its "authorial corrections" [Gabler 1984 "Afterword" 1,856]); numerous trade impressions until 1959.

8. First Modern Library Edition
September 1940: Modern Library, New York. 774 pp. Printed from plates of 1934 Random House edition. Numerous impressions until 1960.

II. "Corrected and Reset" Texts

9. *Bodley Head Reset Text
1960: London. 783 pp. Text reset as publisher attempted to correct all previous errors; however, "the 'corrections' were made independently by the publisher; these must be considered proofreading and not editing--and poor proofreading at that" (Staley 373). Dalton asserts that the printers decided to use the 1936 Odyssey Press edition limited edition as their copy-text rather than the revised 1937 trade edition, "no doubt because its type was so much larger and more readable," (Dalton 107). Nine subsequent impressions until text was revised in 1969 with appendix for corresponding pages between old and new editions. Several subsequent impressions from 1969 to present.

10. Modern Library Reset Text
1961: New York. 783 pp. Set from the 1960 Bodley Head edition. Page numbers of the Shakespeare & Co. editions (and all those who duplicated its pagination) were printed in parentheses in the margin at appropriate lines. After briefly running out of print in 1980s, this edition is again in print.

11. Random House Reset Text
1961: New York. 783 pp. Set from the 1960 Bodley Head edition. Numerous subsequent impressions. Ran out of print after Random House subsidiary Vintage books adopted the Gabler text in 1986 but Random House began printing this edition alongside the Vintage in 1992 after Kidd-Gabler debate.

12. Penguin Edition
1968: Harmondsworth. (Number of pp. unknown.) Set from the 1960 Bodley Head edition. Three impressions 1968-69; text corrected by publisher for 4th impression, 1971.

III. The Gabler Edition and its Influence

13. *Hans Walter Gabler's "Critical and Synoptic" Edition:
1984: Garland Publishing, New York and London. 1,919 pp. 3 vols. Prepared by Hans Walter Gabler with Wolfhard Steppe and Claus Melchior (with the "additional editorial assistance" of Harald Beck, Walter Hettche, John O'Hanlon, Danis Rose, Charity Scott Stokes, and Kinga Thomas and an "Academic Advisory Committee" composed of Richard Ellmann, Philip Gaskell and Clive Hart, assisted by A. Walton Litz and Michael Groden). With a Foreword and Afterword by Gabler. Provides a genetic text printed on verso pages and a corresponding reading text printed on facing rectos. The genetic text is intended to present a "continuous manuscript text" (Gabler 1984 "Afterword" 1,895), which was emending to become the reading text that "recovers an unambiguous authorial intention" (Ibid 1,904).

Random House, Bodley Head and Penguin ceased printing their previous versions in 1986 and adopted Gabler's reading text, making it the only text in print at that time, which fuelled the Gabler-Kidd debate and 'The Scandal of Ulysses.' Each publishing house has since re-issued the 1961 reset text.

14. *John Kidd's Lilliput Press Edition
January 1997: Lilliput Press (in association with W.W. Norton), Dublin. 739 pp. Ed. by John Kidd with an introduction by Denis Donoghue. A 1992 advertisement promised this edition would be "the first uniform and authoritative" yet. Despite (or perhaps because of) Kidd's media attention as Gabler's most vociferous critic, however, the edition is out of print.

15. *Danis Rose's 'Reader's Edition':
September 1997: Lilliput Press, New York. 739 pp. Introduction by Rose with an "alternative format" of Penelope at the end. Rose (one of several editorial assistants in the Gabler text) establishes an "isotext" (Rose xii) similar to Gabler's continuous manuscript text, but uses only extant documents (and thus no hypothetical reconstructions of lost documents) in his conflation. Thus, Rose's edition seeks to represent Joyce's authorial intentions better than any previous edition by flushing out all assumed non-authorial errors. Kidd claims that 7,000 changes have been made that do not appear in any previous edition or manuscript and that the Joyce Estate has attempted to remove Joyce's name from the book cover, spine, and title page (Kidd "Wrong" 2). Subsequent printings: 2nd (Picador Press) Dec. 1997; 3rd (Trans-Atlantic Publications, Ltd.) Dec. 1998.

IV. Some Recent Duplications of 1922 Text
Several recent editions of Ulysses have responded to the so called 'Joyce Wars' by not further editing the text, but instead by providing the reader of the 21st century with an edition that promises the same experience afforded to readers in 1922. These editions, therefore, are without any corrections made by Joyce after the book was first put into print, but of course no additional non-authorial 'corrections' are introduced either.
16. Oxford World's Classics:
August 1993: Oxford UP, Oxford and New York. 980 pp. Reprinting of 1922 text, with notes and an introduction by editor Jeri Johnson. Subsequent printing: Dec. 1998.

17. Orchises Press edition:
April 1998: Orchises Press, Alexandria, VA. Ulysses: A Facsimile of the First Edition Published in Paris in 1922. 732 pp.

18. Dover edition:
September 2002: Dover Publications, Mineola and New York. Ulysses: A Reproduction of the 1922 First Edition. 732 pp.