The tape-recorders at the Joyce center are functioning MOO objects which are able to record anything that transpires in a room at the time they are turned on. They use reels of virtual tape, the contents of which can easily be mailed to the email address of any registered citizen at DU-MOO. The word Object in the acronym Mud Object Oriented, is there to denote the fact that a MOO is specifically designed to accommodate the building of objects useful in the hyperspatial atmosphere of a MOO. The tape-recorder at the Joyce center is just one of a number of objects and rooms (another variety of object) on a MOO. The objects you will find at a typical MOO vary from the frivolous to the useful and mundane to the mysterious and even frightening. At DU-MOO however the powers that be are dedicated to maintaining an atmosphere where the objects are useful rather than frivolous. Other objects you will find at the Joyce center at DU-MOO include a lap-top gopher server and a portable computer capable of accessing WWW sites and tuned to the known Joyce sites on the World Wide Web, a bulletin board that allows public postings of notes, a blackboard on which the meeting schedule is posted as well as other useful bits of information, and a variety of other furniture.